CCNA1 ITN Module 16 - Network Security Fundamentals

Date Subject Lesson Plan
05/06/24 CCNA1

Video: Top 5 Network Engineer Skills That Will Make You 100k (11:47)

Activity: Sign up for A+ Certification Exam

Link: CompTIA Online Testing ID Requirements

Video: What to expect in a Pearson VUE test center (3:16)

Video: Pearson VUE Online Exam Tips (8:53)

Link: Module 16 Reading Organizer

Start Module 16 - Network Security Fundamentals

Start Module 16, Section 0 - Introduction

Read: 16.0.1 Introduction

Read: 16.0.2 What will I learn to do in this module?

Start Module 16, Section 1 - Security Threats and Vulnerabilities
Video: Professor Messer: Common Security Threats (18:18)

Read: 16.1.1 Types of Threats

Read: 16.1.2 Types of Vulnerabilities

Read: 16.1.3 Physical Security
Video: Professor Messer: Physical Security Controls (22:08)

Activity: 16.1.4 Check Your Understanding - Security Threats and Vulnerabilities

Start Module 16, Section 2 - Network Attacks

Read: 16.2.1 Types of Malware
Video: Professor Messer: Types of Malware (12:42)

Read: 16.2.2 Reconnaissance Attacks
Video: Professor Messer: Reconnaissance Attacks (5:08)

Read: 16.2.3 Access Attacks

Read: 16.2.4 Denial of Service Attacks
Video: Professor Messer: Denial of Service (5:29)

Activity: 16.2.5 Check Your Understanding - Network Attacks

Lab: 16.2.6 Research Network Security Threats (30 min)

Assignment: Module 16 Study Guide 1-11


None today

05/07/24 CCNA1

Start Module 16, Section 3 - Network Attack Mitigations

Read: 16.3.1 The Defense-in-Depth Approach

Read: 16.3.2 Keep Backups
Video: IBM Technology: Disaster Recovery vs. Backup (9:32)

Read: 16.3.3 Upgrade, Update, and Patch

Read: 16.3.4 Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
Video: Professor Messer: Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (12:03)

Read: 16.3.5 Firewalls
Video: Professor Messer: Firewalls (9:18)

Read: 16.3.6 Types of Firewalls

Read: 16.3.7 Endpoint Security
Video: Professor Messer: Endpoint Potection (9:48)

Activity: 16.3.8 Check Your Understanding - Network Attack Mitigation

Assignment: Module 16 Study Guide 12-20


Pay Attention to Everything Cloud!!

Start Chapter 9 - Virtualization and Cloud Computing
Video: Professor Messer: Cloud Models (8:59)

Read: Welcome
Video: Cloud Computing Fundamentals (5:00)

Video Explaination : What is the Cloud? (3:39)

Read: Cloud Computing and Virtualization

Read: Traditional Server Deployment

Read: Server Virtualization
Video: What is Server and Desktop Virtualization (3:43)

Read: Advantages of Server Virtualization
Video: IBM Technology: Virtualization Explained (5:20)

Activity: Check Your Understanding - Match the Advantages of Virtualization

Read: Client-Side Virtualization
Video: Professor Messer: Client-side Virtualzation (6:59)

Read: Type 1 and Type 2 Hypervisors
Video: Virtualization Explained (5:19)

Read: Virtual Machine Requirements

Activity: Check Your Understanding - Virtualization Terminology

Note: Download the VirtualBox and Ubuntu files to your desktop before installing software.
Note: Select the Ubuntu image folder for IOS Image.
Note: Select Skip Unattended Installation

Lab: Install Linux in a Virtual Machine and Explore the GUI
Link - Alternate Ubuntu installation Instructions

You may have to delete the existing virtual machine folder. Goto C:/Users/yourname/VirtualBox VMs/Ubuntu and delete the Ubuntu folder before proceeding.

05/08/24 CCNA1

Review Lab: Research Network Security Threats

Video: On facing page
Link: CIS Poster
Note: Goto "Policy Templates"
Note: Skip Part 2, Step 1
Note; Part 2, Step 2. Goto Homeland Security Site, Cybersecurity, Topics, Cyber Threats and Advisories.

Start Module 16, Section 4 - Device Security

Read: 16.4.1 Cisco AutoSecure
Video: Help Protect the Network with a Single Command (3:25)

Read: 16.4.2 Passwords

Read: 16.4.3 Additional Password Security

Read: 16.4.4 Enable SSH
Video: How to Configure SSH on a Cisco Router or Switch (5:40)

Read: 16.4.5 Disable Unused Services

PT: 16.4.6 Configure Secure Passwords and SSH (60 minutes)

Assignment: Module 16 Study Guide 21-28 (end)


LearnKey: 220-1101 Domain 3, Lesson 1, Pgs. 47
LearnKey: 220-1101 Domain 3, Lesson 2, Pgs. 49-51

05/09/24 CCNA1

Discussion: Your Certification Exam Prep Plan

Lab: 16.4.7 Configure Network Devices with SSH - USE the 1941 Routers only!

Start Module 16, Section 5 - Module Practice and Quiz


Video: How To Pass CompTIA's A+ Core 1 Exam On The FIRST Try! (28:47)

Video: Cisco: What is the Cloud? (3:32)

Read: How We Use the Cloud
White Paper: Accelerating Digital Agility

Read: Cloud Services
Video: Professor Messer: Cloud Services (6:12)

Read: What Do You Already Know? - Cloud Models

Video: Simplilearn: What is Azure? (10:34)

Activity: Check Your Understanding - Cloud Service and Cloud Model Terminology


BPA Nationals

PT: 16.5.1 Secure Network Devices (45 minutes) - Save the .pkt file to show me!!

A+ Practice 220-1101 Certification Test

Use free YouTube videos and web sites to view/practice the A+ Core 1 exam

Assignment: LearnKey: 220-1101 Domain 3, Lesson 3

Study for Module 16 Test!


BPA Nationals

A+ Practice 220-1101 Certification Test

Use free YouTube videos and web sites to view/practice the A+ Core 1 exam

Assignment: LearnKey: 220-1101 Domain 3, Lessons 4-6

Study for Module 16 Test!


BPA Nationals

A+ Practice 220-1101 Certification Test

Lab: 16.5.2 Secure Network Devices - Save config and leave it up to show me for sign off

Use free YouTube videos and web sites to view/practice the A+ Core 1 exam

Read: 16.5.3 What did I learn in this module?

Activity: 16.5.4 Module Quiz - Network Security Fundamentals

Assignment: LearnKey: 220-1101 Domain 3, Lessons 7-8

Study for Module 16 Test!

05/15/24 CCNA1

Don't be shy about practicing at home using Packet Tracer. That is what Packet Tracer is for.

Cisco Networking Teaching Strategy: Learn (text, videos, lecture) - Practice (syntax checker, packet tracer) - Apply (physical labs)

Note: If it takes one unit of time to do something right the first time, it takes 2 to 3 units of time to troubleshoot and fix things that are done wrong. Physical labs are for demonstrating what you've already learned. "Garbage in, garbage out" - stop blaming the machines!!

Video: Jason Johnson: Module 16 Review (26:46)

Test Chapter 16 (30 minutes)

Start Chapter 17 - Build a Small Network


Link: Example of Private Cloud

Read: Cloud Computing Characteristics (know these!)

  • On-demand (self-service)
  • Rapid elasticity
  • Resource pooling
  • Measured and metered service
  • Broad network access

Activity: Check Your Understanding - Match the Cloud Characteristics

Read: Summary

Video: Network Chuck: You Need To Learn VMs Right Now (27:41)

Activity: Chapter 9 Terms and Concepts Practice

Video: Jason Johnson: ITEv7 Chapter 9 Review (6:03)

Test: Chapter 9 (45 min) Do test first


Lab: Examining Telnet and SSH in Wireshark (30 minutes)